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1. Bat Out of Hell – The Musical
på , ons, 21 mai 2025 - lør, 7 jun 2025Fra 465 kr
2. Just For One Day - The Live Aid Musical
på , fre, 16 mai 2025 - lør, 10 jan 2026Fra 413 kr
3. Disney's Hercules the Musical
på , fre, 6 jun 2025 - lør, 10 jan 2026Fra 488 kr
4. The Fifth Step
på , lør, 10 mai 2025 - lør, 26 jul 2025Fra 744 kr
5. Evita
på , lør, 14 jun 2025 - lør, 6 sep 2025Fra 488 kr
6. John Cleese’s Fawlty Towers
på , tir, 24 jun 2025 - lør, 13 sep 2025Fra 331 kr
7. My Master Builder
på , tor, 17 apr 2025 - lør, 12 jul 2025Fra 413 kr
8. The Great Gatsby the Musical
på , man, 14 apr 2025 - tor, 4 sep 2025Fra 331 kr
9. Showstopper! The Improvised Musical
på , man, 31 mar 2025 - man, 15 des 2025Fra 305 kr
10. 101 Dalmatians The Musical
på , fre, 18 jul 2025 - lør, 30 aug 2025Fra 406 kr
Lignende kategorier
Billetter til: Fiddler on the Roof Fra 415 kr
2 Billetter, lør, 24 mai 2025
Fiddler on the Roof
Dette er helt nytt produkt som kan bestilles nå. Mer informasjon er på vei, så kom tilbake snart!
It’s a new world, a new world. Love.
Following a critically acclaimed run at the Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre, The Fiddler on the Roof transfers to the Barbican. This dazzling display of joy, revolution and community is an exuberant celebration of love and life.
- Ensure your tickets to this audience favorite
- Choose your own seats
- Listen to the memorable songs, including ‘If I Were A Rich Man’.
Hva kan jeg forvente?
Tevye, a dairy farmer, is an old-fashioned man who finds solace in tradition. Like many fathers in the close-knit community of Anatevka, he has raised his descendants to follow the Jewish customs of his long-gone ancestors. The time has now arrived for him to find husbands worthy of marrying his precious daughters. As tradition has it, he must find the perfect suitable match.
But in 1905 Tsarist Russia, this is easier said than done as the country wobbles on thin ice, just one bad incident away from a violent uproar, a new era in which young people listen to their hearts and not their elders…
Fiddler on the Roof has enchanted theatregoers from all around the world since it first premiered on Broadway in 1964.
After garnering a whopping nine Tony Awards, it was adapted into a blockbuster film that won an Oscar, and features some of musical theatre's most memorable songs, including ‘If I Were A Rich Man,’ ‘Matchmaker’ and ‘Sunrise, Sunset.’
Hvordan fungerer det?
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Your e-tickets will be emailed directly to you shortly after your booking is complete.
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